Self talk yourself into a beautiful life

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Has it ever felt like some people have all the luck? You know who I’m talking about. In every group, there’s someone who seems to have it all. They succeed in seemingly everything they attempt. They enjoy good health. Their relationships are more intimate and longer lasting. It’s no wonder these folks seem so positive all the time.

Have you considered you’re looking at them the wrong way around?

Oddly enough, people don’t tend to be optimists naturally. In fact, what you find out when you get to know one of these stellar successes better is that they succeed because they have a positive outlook, which stems from one simple facet of their personality: They all indulge in positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk is the impetus of optimism. Thankfully it can be learned. You start by following these four simple steps:

Check Your Dialogue
What are you saying? Everyone keeps up a fairly constant stream of self-talk. Start paying attention to the words you use. It might seem obvious, but if you want to induce positive self-talk, you need to drop the negative. Start by identifying the triggers. What negative words and phrases do you use most often? What positive words can you substitute? It might be you need to do some work to root out the more common culprits as frequently the most negative statements have roots outside yourself. When this happens, remind yourself the only opinion that truly counts is your own. What would you rather tell yourself instead?

Add Some Fun
It’s almost impossible to stay negative when you’re laughing. By looking for the humor in the situation, you change your entire attitude. Your outlook shifts, and you find yourself feeling more positive. Your self-talk shifts right along with it. You’ll find yourself laughing internally and feeling better about yourself.

Explore Optimism
Positive self-talk stems from an optimistic viewpoint. When you confront a new situation, look at how you react. Make a conscious effort to see the bright side of the situation. Assume the best-case scenario. This optimism carries into your self-talk. Start assuming the best about yourself as well.

Remember, practice makes perfect. You’re not going to succeed overnight. If you catch yourself thinking something rather negative, don’t fall into a blame spiral, thinking you’ve failed. Be easy on yourself, and simply remind yourself of something positive. If you need help remembering these steps, try posting affirmations where you see them frequently.

Positive Self-talk becomes a habit when you practice it daily. The more you hang in there and try, the more optimistic you’ll feel. Before you know it, you’re going to be one of those people you used to admire, and people will be looking up to you.


Live a Truly Fulfilling Life

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People seem to spend a lot of time looking for the meaning of life, or at least how to live a happier, more fulfilling life. It’s easy to try and find contentment in buying bigger, better, more expensive things, from cars and homes to watches and designer handbags. But just collecting more and more stuff doesn’t make you happy. It makes you frustrated and dissatisfied. The answer to fulfillment is much simpler. It’s within your deepest self.

Here are some tips from the master of personal development and spirituality, Deepak Chopra.

Know yourself

Fulfillment lies in knowing yourself – the good and the bad – and accepting it. You are so much more than your job or your house or your relationships. The innermost you is full of potential. All you have to do is look beyond the externals, beyond the ego to discover your true purpose and blossom into your best you.
Tune into your innermost you

Meditation is the easiest way to cut through the noise of everyday life and really listen to your innermost you. Meditation carves out space where you are detached from the bustle and demands of your day. Even better, developing a regular meditation practice will help you cultivate inner peace and a new calmness that stays with you even outside your meditation session.

Choose clarity
People who are content and fulfilled in their life don’t have illusions about finding happiness in possessions. They know and accept their true selves, their strengths and weaknesses.
You can cultivate clarity by meditating on the fundamental soul questions: Who am I? What do I want? Why am I here? Think of the times in your life when you felt happy, useful, and purposeful. Think of how you felt during the process rather than the outcome.

Keep a journal to write down all the insights that come to you during meditation. The clarity you gain from these insights will help guide you in taking aligned action.

Live mindfully
You can integrate your new clarity and awareness into your regular daily activities by choosing to practice one-pointed awareness. This is simply taking one activity, which can be anything from washing the dishes to brushing your teeth, and giving it your full, focused attention. Don’t let your attention drift, just stay in the present moment and observe every aspect of this activity. This form of mindfulness meditation can have a powerful effect that helps to build your ‘present moment’ muscles.


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