I’ve Never Failed at Anything

I hear all the time from people the biggest thing that weighs them down is either

They are scared to fail or
they already believe they’ve failed

I have tried to do so many things in my life, and I have had so many ideas for things I’ve wanted to do. Some people might say I wear rose colored glasses, or that I am oblivious to what is actually happening around me. The way I see it is, if it’s going to be all negative I don’t want to see it, because I love the feeling of being happy. I’m actually addicted to feeling good.

And, I think most people are which is why they always strive to do better. SO, why do some people get stuck in this failure mindset? Most of the time it is because they simply lack the steps to turn every negative into a positive. 

Look at your own life and count the ways you have failed. 

When I look at my own life, and I try to find one single thing I have failed at, I come up completely blank. There is literally nothing I have failed at. 

Have there been things I can improve on? Yes, of course, we can always improve. Have I tried things that didn’t work out? Yes! I have and I learned so much from those things I can’t count them as failures because

I took a chance
I learned something very valuable
I gained the opportunity to grow

As long as you are trying you can’t be failing. Will there be something you can’t do, or you don’t want to do? Sure. I mean honestly, the things I might say I can’t do, I could learn to do, if I TRY. 

Take that silly word out of your vocabulary. It’s been there since kindergarten, when people say “you’ll fail this class” or “you’ll fail this grade”. You’re not a failure, you simply require a little more time to absorb the information. 

A lot of people carry this with them into adulthood, and for some time I did as well. I stayed back in 7th grade, I failed! Ummm, nope not true. I did repeat 7th grade, which introduced me to new people, and it taught me I have to take certain things seriously if I want to move forward. I also learned, that if I TRY I can do ANYTHING! So, can you! 

The things that challenge you, and the things you say you’re a failure at, redefine them. Take another look at your list, and write down all the things you learned from your attempt.

There is always a way, and no person is a failure. Failure is a word we use to describe and attempt that didn’t work out the way we expected, the first time. Use what you learned from the first attempt to slay your second or third.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Cheryl Cyr[/author_info] [/author]