You Failed & Now You’re Stuck

Or, you believe you failed and you think you’re stuck. What a difference a statement can make, am I right?

Failure and being stuck is all about how we look at it. In another post/vlog I talked about how I don’t believe I’ve ever failed. I mean failure is so permanent, and final. Does, failing at one thing mean as a whole I am a failure? Well, I refuse to believe that, and I know it’s not true because the facts don’t support it. 

We can believe we are failures, and be victims to the word. That’s right to a word. A simple word that has no power, unless we give it power. I mean, let’s look at the word THE. Does it do anything for you? To you? Does it bring about a feeling? Probably, not. After all, it’s just a word. 

When we think about failing, or failure, we associate a feeling with the word, and that has power. 

Let’s look at the word failure another way. How about we define failure as: I did not meet my own expectations, or those of someone else on my first attempt. Again, not so final. 

We get stuck when we believe in a word so deeply that we associate feelings, and I mean DEEP feelings with the word. We believe the word has so much power that we are literally unable to get out from under it. We are unable to continue. 

Whenever, you FEEL stuck, or start to buy into the idea that you’re a failure, or you’ve failed at something, ask yourself what you learned. For me, not meeting expectations, is my chance to learn about 1. what is expected of me, and 2. ways I can improve myself. 

When you start to look at words as words, and remove the emotion we’ve attached to them, it makes it easier to move forward, and to start again.

As long as you are attempting, or trying, you’re learning. You can’t give up and walk away unless you at least thought about doing something, and every attempt is a success!

Let me know how you deal with the idea of failure, and ways you cope with the word.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Cheryl Cyr[/author_info] [/author]